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Newsletter Terms & Conditions

Updated 25-02-2021

  • You will be registered as a subscriber of Mise en place's newsletter.

  • Mise en place has the right to send you information about Mise en place's products and services.

  • Mise en Place has the right to communicate with you, including to provide customer service; to send service-related messages such as notifications, confirmations, and updates; and to send promotional messages, such as messages relating to new products or services that we think may be of interest to you.

  • The subscription is free of charge and can be terminated at any time.



Sharing of information
Mise en Place will not, without your consent, pass on any information about you to any third party unless required by law to do so, or unless it is necessary relating to a product or service you have requested or purchased from us.

E-mail marketing
We take your privacy very seriously. When you sign up for our newsletters, you can rest assure that we will not share your email address with any external parties or anyone outside Mise en Place. You can unsubscribe from our emails at any time by simply sending us an e-mail to

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