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 March 2021

Food & Design 

Do you have a favorite item in your kitchen? maybe a fork or a mug.

why do you you prefer it? It is because it sits, fits and, just, feels better?

 Well, design is to be thanked for that. ​


Food and design are deeply intertwined, way more that you might think.

This week we explore their intersectionality through history,

current designers and sweet treats.  

F R E S H   S T O R I E S 

Food Design, an IDEO podcast Back in October of 2020, the American design studio dropped this podcast with the premise that our food system is not broken, but that it was design this way. Throughout the eight episodes, the host, Sandeep Pahuja, talks to the people who are building the necessary future food systems, right now. 

"The food System was made to fail"

In the Bauhaus Kitchen:

Exploring the relationship between the groundbreaking architectural school and Food culture 

Based on Nicholas Fox Weber's essay, that holds the same name, the project, created by food designer Elsa Yranzo and industrial designer Sebastian Alberdi, celebrated Bauhaus' centenary. It analyzed the daily life relationship between food culture and design, which, according to Weber, The Bauhaus considered them to be very close: "cooking was seen as similar to painting - the taking of raw ingredients and the application of correct technique, achieved through well-designed tools, to achieve palatable results." 


In the Bauhaus Kitchen is a sensory experience and visual feast that took 60 creative minds and was hosted for only one night. 



"I paint the way I spread

butter on pumpernickle"

Josef Albers 



Watch the event's documentary trailer below  













Discover more through their instagram and site.



say goodbye to your usual cutlery and feast like a beast 

German designer, Sophia Schullan, challenges table manners by creating a set of utensils that simply, do not allow you to eat the way we are taught. The utensils encourages us to eat like a dog, peel with claws and slurp like fish. An invitation to reflect on the way we physically consume our food and to ask, how would you eat if you had never been given a fork? 

P E O P L E 


Lauren Duncan and her elegant and hypnotic creations

Meet this London based designer and chef who crafts beautiful desserts with unique designs and hypnotic photography.


Go to Lauren's instagram

 R E C I P E S 


Pantry Basics+

Raspberry Pickled Pears 


These pears result in a spiced, sweet and sour bite. A truly nice way to preserve those last fruits of the season.


Find the recipe here

U P C O M I N G   E V E N T S 

Are we addicted to food? & Drama and Experience at the Kitchen: Narrative as thought for food  

17th & 16th of March 2021

Vânia Costa, nutritionist and dietetics specialist, and Luis Frias, designer and Arts professor, will be adressing these two topics, respectively, online and free of charge thanks to "Food Talks - Think. Talk, Design" An initiative by the ESTHE's Food Design Master 

Department that won the 2019 award for "Best Educational Project" in the Hospitality Education awards​.


​Join via Facebook 

Have a sweet week and see you next Monday! 

In the meanwhile, you can

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